CAE Phrasal Verb: Drop Out

Below you will find the meaning of the phrasal verb 'drop out' which you are likely to find used in the Cambridge Advanced exam.

In addition to the meaning/definition, you will also find two examples of it being used with this meaning (to help you understand the use and the context it is used in better).

In order to remember this use, make sure to make an example in your own words with the phrasal verb.


To stop doing something (e.g a university course, a competition, a race) before you have successfully completed/finished it.

Due to an ankle injury, the athlete Simon Bowden DROPPED OUT of the race after only running 5 laps of the 10,000 metres final in the Olympics. He was unable to run anymore.

University life wasn't for me. I didn't want to be studying, I wanted to be working and earning money. So after only 6 months of being there, I DROPPED OUT and got a job in a bank.

Click here to watch a YouTube video on this meaning of the phrasal verb

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