CAE Phrasal Verb: Get Rid Of

Below you will find two examples and then the meaning of the phrasal verb 'get rid of' which you are likely to find used in the Cambridge Advanced exam.

In order to remember this use, make sure to make an example in your own words with the phrasal verb.


"Most of the things of yours in the loft you haven't used in years. We need to GET RID OF a lot of them, so there is more space up there."
"Ok, I will have a look later and decide what to keep and what not to."

I have bought a new sofa for my living room which is getting delivered this weekend. So I need to GET RID OF the one which I currently have before it arrives.


To no longer have something because you don't want, need or use it anymore.

To see some more examples of this phrasal verb watch our YouTube video on the phrasal verb.

Return to the list of 50 commonly phrasal verbs in the CAE exam.