CAE Phrasal Verb: Set Aside

Below you will find two examples and then the meaning of the phrasal verb 'set aside' which you are likely to find used in the Cambridge Advanced exam.

In order to remember this use, make sure to make an example in your own words with the phrasal verb.


Although I have very little free time because of work and my family, I always SET ASIDE time every week to do exercise. It is important not only for your physical health, but also your mental one as well.

I am planning to buy a house in the next couple of years. To help me do this, I SET ASIDE $400 each month from my salary for a deposit on one. By the end of next year, I should have $15,000.


To keep, save or not use something (e.g. money or time) so that it can be used for a specific purpose.

To see some more examples of this phrasal verb watch our YouTube video on the phrasal verb.

Return to the list of 50 commonly phrasal verbs in the CAE exam.