CAE Phrasal Verb: Stem From

Below you will find two examples and then the meaning of the phrasal verb 'stem from' which you are likely to find used in the Cambridge Advanced exam.

In order to remember this use, make sure to make an example in your own words with the phrasal verb.


I think my interest in languages STEMS FROM going to France on holiday when I was 11 years old and feeling frustrated at not being able to understand or speak with people whilst there. Ever since then, I have been very commited to learning new languages.

"Why do you think she is leaving the company?"
"I could be wrong, but I think it STEMS FROM her not being promoted to manager of the department in July. I noticed she was different after she found out about it."


To say what the original or most important cause of why something happened or is happening is.

Click here to watch a YouTube video on this meaning of the phrasal verb

Return to the list of 50 commonly phrasal verbs in the CAE exam.