CAE Phrasal Verb: Turn To

Below you will find two examples and then the meaning of the phrasal verb 'turn to' which you are likely to find used in the Cambridge Advanced exam.

In order to remember this use, make sure to make an example in your own words with the phrasal verb.


My best friend Simon is somebody I know that I can always TURN TO if I need help with anything. He has always been there for me in both the good times and the bad.

I think one of the most difficult things when I first moved from England to Spain is that I didn't know anybody there. So I didn't have anyone to TURN TO for help and advice when getting things organised and done. My life would have been so much easier if had.


To have somebody who you can ask for help or advice when you have problems.

Click here to watch a YouTube video on this meaning of the phrasal verb

Return to the list of 50 commonly phrasal verbs in the CAE exam.